Just like many others around Serbia, I've gotten my collection of Ubuntu CD sets one of the last days.

Now, why isn't their carrier using Gnome to print out address labels?
Wonder what would happen if I actually used Cyrillic? :).
First impressions are not perfect, but it's probably due to my specific localization interests: Ubuntu uses old broken URW-CYR fonts (Debian was supposed to be fixed some time ago, but it's all fixed upstream), they ship old incorrect sr_YU locales (which have been removed from GNU libc CVS; improved locales sr_CS are available in libc bugzilla), and they don't ship DejaVu or Computer Modern Unicode fonts (I use these for my everyday desktop needs, since they have good coverage of WGL4).
Also, some parts of their modified interface are not translated to Serbian, but I hope someone else (I'm thinking of Urke :) will actually get on with Ubuntu Serbian localization, since he's already using it, and he's a member of Serbian localization team.
Next, choosing OpenOffice.org over Gnumeric/Abiword combo has its' advantages, but it's certainly not localization: OpenOffice.org requires a recompile (of at least some libraries) to suit a different locale. The similar holds for Firefox over Epiphany (uhm, anyone knows why did they go this route?). There're translations to Serbian for both of these (at least partial in case of OO.o) around web, but they're not integrated because of these "localization as an after-thought" designs.
Ok, this was mostly regarding Ubuntu localization stuff, I'll get to trying other stuff (plugging in digital camera and scanner I have lying around, seeing if the sound works, setting up my ISDN and network connection, etc.) one of these days.