I've been lazy with writing stuff lately, but here's a summary of
the recent days.
The last ten or so days were quite productive: I managed to work on
things I really wanted to work on, such as xml2po, finally completing
those 200 untranslated messages of Serbian Gnome 2.10 translation
(thanks to Swedish conspiracy, Serbian is now the first in the
:), passing an exam in Differential and Integral Equations,
and just the general stuff and having fun.
In the meantime, Stefano
Maffulli from FSF Europe (Italian chapter) visited Belgrade to
give a couple of presentations on Mechanical faculty, and I had a few
interesting chats with him. Also met with Ivan Jelic of Free Software Network fame, and found out
that they may become FSF chapter in Serbia, which would seriously
rock! Also talked about bringing our Gnome Translation efforts under
the FSN name, and all their translation work under Prevod.org (which
was currently reserved for Gnome and GNU translation) and I'm pretty much
optimistic about it all.

And I even got the über-fancy GNU 20th anniversary key-chain
Trips and fun
On Friday, I drove north to countryside to visit my grandparents
along with my sister, getting up at around 6am, stopping by Science Institute of Farming and
Gardening in Novi Sad to buy 150kg of clover seeds (specifically
of "lucerne" kind :). They also call this kind of clover "mediana",
and there I completely embarrased myself when they told me that I'm
getting "lucerne" and I complained that I I need to get "mediana".
Ok, so I'm not a very good farmer. :)
Got back in record 1h30m for 150km (and there are only around 45km
of highways on that route), dropped my sister on her faculty, and
stopped by Kalemegdan
(or Belgrade
Fortress) where some of my friends were doing their weekly
sessions of wine-drinking, listening to music and jerking around, all
while enjoying the excellent weather. :)
...and some sports
Having become volleyball team leader for Mathematical faculty, I
had only three days to gather a team to represent us in University
Cup: this lead to us being beaten like kids by the Medical faculty
(which were 2nd in University Championship, so that's a bit of an
And being sick the last couple of weeks didn't sure help my form:
from regularly doing 55-50-45-40 push-ups with one or two minute
breaks, I got to barely 40-36-29 this morning, but only after running
some 3-4km along the Danube in Zemun (which, surprisingly, I handled
just fine, and even added a sprint at the end :).
But, on the positive side, we're going to Budva on April 28th where
we will meet all the other faculties of natural sciences and mathematics
from all over Serbia and Montenegro (and perhaps even some from
Serbian parts of Bosnia). Before we do that, every team
member has got to work a full working day of 8 hours on cleaning up
some faculty spaces, if we want the money to get there—and while I
can more easily earn money in other ways, being a team leader I not
only have to work one full day, but rather two full days :)
On another note, I think the chances are good that we're getting
odbojka.matf.bg.ac.yu for our volleyball team (for
interested, "odbojka" means "volleyball" :), so there's another fun
project to work on. Added to my already big TODO list :)
Phew, this was long...