PHP-gettext, emulation of gettext functions is a very simple PHP library allowing usage of very popular gettext files and functions in PHP even if the appropriate library and/or locale is not supported on the system (web servers are known to have only a subset of locales one might need, and why should that limit web site owners on what language they are to offer to their users? or imagine testing on Windows? ;).
It's a very simple project, but the one I got most patches for! I never expected for it to be so popular, but it seems it's getting used in WordPress, Gallery, SquirrelMail, and probably many others (if you know a project which is using it, let me know, I like to brag about it ;).
And I've received a bunch of patches ranging from php-doc style comments, PHP4.4+ stream rewrites, entire emulation layer for standard gettext API, to caching rewrite of the core functionality.
Compared to xml2po, my other "big" free software project, it has received much more "media" coverage, and hey, xml2po is in Python (now, tell me Python is not a nicer language than PHP, I dare you! :). Not to mention that I have a similar reader in C#, (not) known as gettext#, but I don't know if anyone ever tried using that one :)
So, what's going on? Is it that PHP is so widely used, and php-gettext solved a widespread problem? Or simply that the code was simple enough to warrant enough contributors anyway?
Addendum: Oh, and a new version (1.0.6) is out, fixing all the known and reported bugs, and with all the new patches. Check the homepage!