I got back on Wednesday (sorry I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to everyone, since I left at around 4pm), had some stuff to do for my University professors (like give another talk as part of NCD Conference), and now I need to devote myself to preparing for a couple of exams (like Mathematical Analysis 2 and Compilers and Interpreters).
That means that my ToDo list will have to wait a bit (even if it has grown substantially during 6UADEC (like taking a look at Sun's improvements to Carlos' Language and Culture capplet, looking at their changes for supporting intltool-merge at install time, improving xml2po further, working on Evolution l10n stuff I discussed with the very pleasant Harish, etc.). I'm not out of my e-mail slump just yet, and I don't expect it to end before June times out, so bear with me, please.
GUADEC was very much fun to visit, and I'm sure coming again next year to, maybe, Barcelona :)—provided it doesn't fall on the same date as my exams do. Unfortunately, some of the guys I really looked forward to meeting didn't show up, like Carlos Perelló Marín, Jordi Mallach, or Dafydd Harries (I even spelled his name out correctly in my first attempt to find his page on Google :). Of course, I regret for everybody else who didn't show up, and thank to everyone else who did show up: very nice to meet you all guys!

Find Glynn! (Seth is my GUADEC talk hero)
I've finally put up all my photos (well, not all of them, I cut the airport crap out which is simply boring, and a couple of nice photos with a certain girl :) right here, so go find yourself there! Note that if you need full 2272×1704 versions, just strip the query string from the screen-sized versions.
Edit: because my server got overloaded with photo requests, I had to change configuration a bit: to get full images now, just strip the "cache/screen/" part from URLs.